Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Still Here

I have been blog-neglectful. My life is a little bit of a challenge right now. I am still here, just a little weary. Hopefully things will be on the up-swing again in a few days (I cut open my hand yesterday and had to get stiches in the palm of my hand--ugh!--what a clutz!) Still unpacking, still trying to figure out where everything should live. More later.


Cari said...

KATIE!!! I am so sorry about your hand. That is no good, you need to be more careful. Wish I could be there to help and go to target together ( the three hour trip right??) I am going to have to neglect my blog too due to the move, it's all good, just happy to know you are doing fine. love you too much.

Mk said...

so sorry about the injury! Best wishes with all the unpacking! I don't envy that part of moving but I am excited to hear about the new house!

Kelly said...

WHO WHAT WHO WHERE WHO huh! Katie, where are you? So sorry about the injury. I hope you had a really great ER doc named Bill stitch you up. Rest and keep that hand elevated! Take care . . . no more unpacking, time for bon bons and Oprah!