We had dinner and a movie date to celebrate and James in his most kind and gallant way went to see Mama Mia! with me and delayed his Batman experience for a few days. We saw Mama Mia! (the play) in Las Vegas and loved it --and I'm a big ABBA fan-- so I was so excited to go. I wanted it to be GREAT and while it had great moments, I have to say it was just good. Sorry to be a downer--but I get frustrated with the need to use "movie stars" in Broadway roles. Meryl Streep did a good job, Collin Firth was adorable, Julie Walters was DYNAMITE but Pierce Brosanan?????? Why??? Arrogant, obnoxious and a really, really bad singer. WHY??? Anyway ---we started talking about PERFECT movies---movies that are great stories, perfectly cast, classics and came up with a pretty great list. So here are James and Katie's combined list of PERFECT movies--
REAR WINDOW--Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly--Do we need to say more? A young Raymond Burr as the bad guy--awesome
CHARADE--Audrey Hepburn--amazing! and Cary Grant--so darling and debonair! Great plot, great twists, great cast
RETURN TO ME--A newer movie, but seriously my favorite movie! Bonnie Hunt and David Duchovny are fabulous, Jim Belushi is hilarious, Minnie Driver is so believable and the old guys are so GREAT!
MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS-Our favorite Judy Garland movie and James' favorite movie ever! We love Grandpa and Tootie and St. Louis!
PRIDE AND PREJUDICE-The BBC version with Jennifer Ehle and Collin Firth. Lots of good versions of this book and movie--but this is the best. I think I have it memorized!
So now it is your turn--what are your PERFECT movies? We would love to know!
Happy Anniversary! Wow I remember your wedding day in St. George, hard to believe that was 21 years ago.
Movies- I agree with yours- In fact it makes me want to rent a few that I know my kids have not seen. My add- ons would be "It's a Wonderful Life" (Jimmy yes Jimmy the man), "Room with a View"( because it is almost word for word from the book), AND "Miss Congeniality" (hello- you be the crown-you ARE the crown! Candice Bergin in that one).
"That Thing You Do" Hands down. haha
I love Miss Congeniality too Kelly!
Happy ANNIVERSARY KATE AND JAMES! I hope you have a great relaxing weekend, you deserve it! I got the insert for owens book today --thanks so much! I really like Hairspray--the new one with John Travolta as a woman,Owen likes it too I seriously laugh out loud when he/she says "I have to do my ironing." And how about Waking Ned Devine--hilarious, or You've got mail---are you on-line? Great post this one has me thinking!
After much debate and discussion, our family has recast the part of Sam from horrible Pierce Brosinan to ......(drum roll please).....Mr. David Hasselfoff!!!
Yes, we are closet Baywatch fans--but he is the right age, has SIGNIFICANTLY less chest air, is tall enough for Meryl Streep, has his own large EGO and HE CAN SING! (One would think that would be important in a musical) If only Hollywood would consult the Burdett family before they cast!....Any thoughts?
Great minds think alike--we've all been discussing the "perfect movie" around here and have added a few to our list: It's a Wonderful Life--love Donna Reed and Jimmy is THE MAN, Hairspray w/ John Travolta, Christopher Walken, Michelle Pfeiffer, Zac Efron etc. etc. --fabuloso cast, LOVE-LOVE-LOVE Waking Ned Devine! (Good call Jamie! Would you like some fruity soaps?) and our last addition today--What About Bob?--baby steps toward the "perfect" list, but definetly there--Is there anyone funnier than Bill Murray? Just a few musings from the Burdetts--come on family and friends--I know there are alot of movie watchers out there! COMMENT, please!
Hey Katie,
I ran accross your blog when Ivy googled herself and came up on your site. Hope you don't mind if I jump in. Definately has to be "The Way We Were." (K-k-k-katie, will you be my c-c-c-comrade? Ok-k-kay!) We love "13 Going on 30" also. The other ones listed are all our favorites too. I'll call soon.
It was great to see you in UTAH-
I love your ward.
Adrienne is a dear friend.
Welcome to Katie's Blog-
We have to encourage her to keep it current.
Hope you can help
I do love Charade.
Still so scary to watch-
Hi Annie--You are very welcome! Come over anytime! Today we added Stardust--great cast and story! We'll keep a Barbara movie on the list, Ann--but only cause I love you!
Happy Anniversario! We hope you made some memories. I too remember your wedding like yesterday. I even remember the dress I wore to the temple {blue checked empire waist w/white collar} I remember the reception, food and everything. I remember going for brides maid dress fittings & picking out the fabric with you at Heddies. Good memories!
One of our favorite movies is "The Incredibles" we think it the best animated movie out there. Tom would also like you to consider "North Shore" as the best movie of all time.
I like "How to Marry a Millionaire" I could watch that everyday {if fact I feel like eating a horse burger right now}--love it. We send out love & hugs for a great day.
Good Call Jules on the bride's maid dresses. Oh that sweet lady that made those. FYI
I wore a beige silk dress of mom's - red shoes to the temple. Happy Memories!
Hi Katie....I can't comment on your wedding....since I wasn't around then. Hope your anniversary was great! But, we went to see Mama Mia last night and watching Pierce Brosnan sing was absolutely painful. I do like him in other roles....but PLEASE don't let him sing anymore! Hope you are all well. Check out our blog at lvjorgensens.blogspot.com. Take care.
Congrats, Katie! I've always admired your marriage. You and James are so obviously happy together! I miss you guys! Check us out at theamazinghudsons.blogspot.com
Love, Lyndee
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