Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Welcome Summer! (Finally)

Been waiting and waiting for some sunshine and flowers---look what we finallllly found!

(Note about flooding--the Mississippi is definetly HIGH and spilling over its banks in several locations within about an hour of us--all the creeks, rivers and lakes are FULL, but so far the closest flooding is about 40 miles away and no serious damage done--they are sandbagging in parts of St. Louis, but thankfully Southern Illinois is being spared)


Dan said...

Glad to hear the flooding isn't affecting you guys. I was thinking about you guys the other day when the news was talking about it.

Julie Anderson said...

Enjoy your summer! Wish you all were coming for the 4th at Fish Lake. We will miss you all. Liza & James look great, glad she is enjoying soccer again.
Happy to hear you are far from the rising water. Our news has had some whopper stories about the damage. Love you!

Jamie Claire said...

HI Burdetts! so glad to hear you are far from the flooding and that some sunshine has found you! We will miss you this fourth--i think this is the first one in years i haven't been with the burdetts. Miss you all sooo much! hugs and kisses