I am behind on my blogging--DB (delinquent blogger!) and I have several things I want to share so I will try to update over the next few days!
First Topic: ICE!!!!
We have had four snow days over the last two weeks because of the crazy weather here. It starts as cold, cold rain and as the temperature drops it freezes as a thin (but lethal!) sheet of ice on everything. It continues on for hours and finally gets dusted with a covering of snow. It is so beautiful, dreadfully cold and nearly impossible to drive or walk on! Get a cup of hot cocoa with marshmallows, put on your fuzzy socks and enjoy these photos! Is spring ever going to arrive?
We have had four snow days over the last two weeks because of the crazy weather here. It starts as cold, cold rain and as the temperature drops it freezes as a thin (but lethal!) sheet of ice on everything. It continues on for hours and finally gets dusted with a covering of snow. It is so beautiful, dreadfully cold and nearly impossible to drive or walk on! Get a cup of hot cocoa with marshmallows, put on your fuzzy socks and enjoy these photos! Is spring ever going to arrive?

79 degrees here ...should warm up alittle though. Did I hear Spring?
You are terrible!
My kids are planning on the annual Burdett Easter Egg Hunt again this year. That has become a fantastic tradition. Those easter eggs may by hard to get to seeing as how you will have to break through ICE! What time should we come . . . baskets in hand?
(mitten "ed" hands)
My heart is broken to not have the annual hunt this year--I have LOVED that tradition and I have so appreciated your effort to come visit at that time of year(you came just for breakfast and golden eggs right!) Hunt will be at 11 on Saturday--bring a scarf and a beanie!
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