Coming back home we found the animals well taken care of , our house safe and that Illinois is COLD in December. We jumped right into Christmas preparations and put up our tree. We also attended the "official start to the Christmas season"---yes--you guessed it--the downtown Mount Vernon Christmas parade! An exciting and unique experience to one and all. James and Eliza kept cozy and warm while we watched and I took lots of pictures!
did you get any salt water taffy? that is the key to a good parade!
I'm sad that I didn't get to help decorate. I'm excited to see the house!
COATS, TURTLENECKS, AND, HATS Brrrrrrrr COLD! Did you cut a tree from your own yard? How fantastic! You are the "Meet Me in St. Louis" girls.
Only all flavors of Tootsie Rolls (Eliza likes fruity, James likes lime and I like Classic!--so it worked out great!) and candy canes. The parade was mostly local politicians and the local churches but still pretty fun!
Em--we saved a small basket of your ornaments for you to put on the tree--you still get to play!
Hooray! I'm excited to put them up! Thanks mom!!
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