Wednesday, September 19, 2007

One of my FAVORITE things about this house is.....

...the windows that are all over the back of our house. Every morning, they let in lots of lovely sunshine that brighten my day. We finally have all the rooms we live in unpacked and now we are working on the basement storage and the garages. Yeah!


Mk said...

Sooo beautiful! I love windows too...and so much pretty green to look at!

Unknown said...

I think i saw sasquach poke his head out of those woods in the back. the yard look sweet

Cari said...

Kate why didn't Eliza mention that she has a blog... I think that is great. Tell her to add to and that mollie should do it too. YAy Cinnimon Toast!!!

Katie said...

Sasquach, Big Foot, Wild turkeys, racoons and various and sundry critters--Yep they all lurk out there!

Kelly said...

Wow Kate
Your home is beautiful!
Whew--I love it!
Wild animals hmmmmm
Next SNOW!!!!